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Change Begins and Ends with You

If you take the time to look over your life at this moment, what would you think about it? Think about the people in your life - those who you’re in an intimate relationship with. 

Is it everything you wanted it to be and hoped it could be? What about where you are financially in life? Does where you stand right now with your finances make you wish things were different? 

Does it create a hunger within you to have more? To be wiser about your finances? What about your job? This is an area where a lot of people are absolutely miserable. 

Yet, they stay in that job year after year getting older and even more miserable. If you dislike any area of your life because it simply isn’t satisfying, you but you stick with it anyway, it means that you’ve settled

You’ve given up on the idea that there could be more - that you deserve more or that changing things is even worth the effort. If you dislike an area of your life now, but you don’t change anything about it, you will still dislike that area of your life three months, six months or a year down the road. 

You will have lost time and you will have missed the opportunity to make changes during that timeframe. If you want more out of life - if you feel that you should have more - and the unhappiness with your life sits like a rock in the pit of your stomach, then you need to take steps to make changes. 

Physical signs like that are always indicators that something isn’t the way you want it to be – that it needs to be addressed. And ignoring these physical signs can lead to emotional complications as the stress of the matter weighs heavily on you.

Remaining where you are in a life you’re not happy with will lead to feelings of depression, sadness and resentment. That hole inside of you that aches for something more, for something better will never be filled.

That’s not what you deserve. It’s not what anyone deserves. Life is not meant to be something that’s just endured. It’s meant to be lived with excitement because it’s an adventure if you decide that it is. 

Categories: : Motivation